Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rattlesnakes !

You know it cracks me up every year, when it's breaking news when someone is bitten by a rattlesnake. The news media makes it out to be some big deal, which in some cases it is but not all the time. It's even funnier to me when the person bitten is interviewed at the hospital and the proceeds to tell the reporter that they have lived in the valley for several years and that they didn't realize that rattlesnakes are dangerous. All I can say is well DAH!!!!!! Once the temps start to get warmer all the news and radio stations warn people to watch out for snakes because the come out. Some people are just plan stupid sometimes.


Aaron and Amber said...

now, have you seen any out at your place yet?

Marie & Richard Daines said...

I know, some people are really dumb. A co-worker commented that she didn't realize they came out so early.